Monday, 17 June 2013

The Types of Comparison in English and Example

The Types of Comparison in English and Example

The Types of Comparison in English
A.    Equal Comparison
Form :
. . . as + adj/adv + as . . .
. . . the same + noun  + as . . .
Example :
1.      I speak Korean as well as Henry Lau 
2.      Sungmin speaks as fast as Kyuhyun
3.      Their fan is not as big as Super Junior’s
4.      My pencil the same color as their
5.      She walks as slow as He does
B.     Comparative
Form :
. . . adj/adv with –er + than. . .
. . . more + adj/adv + than. . .
. . . less + adj/adv + than. . .
Example :
1.      China  is bigger than Korean
2.      Math is easier than Psysics
3.      Seoul is more beautiful than Busan
4.      She is more diligent than him
5.      Going by aeroplane is less economical than going by bus
C.    Superlative
Form :
. . . the + adj + est
. . . the + most + adj
Example :
1.      Super Junior’s concert is the best of all
2.      Super Show is most expensive concert
3.      Kyuhyun is the youngest member of all
4.      Sungmin is the prettiest memmber of all
5.      ELF is the most beautiful fan
Source :

Syllable and Influence to Comparative

Syllable and Influence to Comparative

What is a syllable?
Syllable is a word formation that are arranged in a consecutive sentence / is the smallest part of a word that can not be separated or divided into smaller form again

Does the comparative influence of syllables?
Yes, it does

Explain why and give an example !!!
The influence is given  would give a effect of comparison that emphasizes  to the a specific object.

Example :
Zhou Mi is taller than Henry Lau

Siwon is more famous than me 

Source :

Will influence syllable in the formation of superlatives ?

Influence Syllable in the Formation of Superlatives

Yes, it will

Explain why and give an example !!!
The formation of a syllable in the superlative degree have an influence that would cause  a  stipulation word  that has a big advantage compared to most others.
Because the superlative degree have the greatest comparison of the sentences being compared in the meaning comparator with an object  that are compared have a very distinct advantage of what it has compared

Example :
Yesung has the best voice in his group

Ryeowook is the most diligent in his group

Irregular Shape in Comparison

Irregular Shape in Comparison

What's an irregular shape in comparison?
Irregular shape in comparison is a sentence  that has a better advantage of the entire sentence is in it. An object that prove that the intended object of the better and more special than the other, then from that taken from an object to attract the best and a conclusion.

Example :
Kyuhyun is better than he was before

Busan is the farthest city in Korea

10 Sentences Containing Comparative

10 Sentences Containing Comparative

Make 10 sentences containing comparative
1.      Super Show Seoul as big as Super Show Japan
2.      Super Junior’s ticket concert price the same expensive as  my handphone price
3.      Sungmin is prettier than Kyuhyun
4.      Yesung’s song is more difficult than Ryeowook
5.      Kangin is heaviest than Leeteuk
6.      Siwon’s car is most luxurious than Kibum’s car
7.      Donghae have more money than Eunhyuk
8.      Hangeng is the best chef than Heechul
9.      Zhoumi’s hometown is farther than Henry Lau’s hometown
10.  Shindong is friendlier than you

my Opinion About This Poem

my Opinion About This Poem

Menghisap sebatang lisong
melihat Indonesia Raya,
mendengar 130 juta rakyat,
dan di langit
dua tiga cukong mengangkang,
berak di atas kepala mereka
Matahari terbit.
Fajar tiba.
Dan aku melihat delapan juta kanak-kanak
tanpa pendidikan.
Aku bertanya,
tetapi pertanyaan-pertanyaanku
membentur meja kekuasaan yang macet,
dan papantulis-papantulis para pendidik
yang terlepas dari persoalan kehidupan.
Delapan juta kanak-kanak
menghadapi satu jalan panjang,
tanpa pilihan,
tanpa pepohonan,
tanpa dangau persinggahan,
tanpa ada bayangan ujungnya.

a. Give opinion about this poem !
I think this poem is good, because the writer critics something through art, in addition, the author also gives his thoughts on what he saw. The author also tries to say that some officials do not care about the people, in addition to many children do not have a good education. And when giving an opinion, it can not be because officials do not care

Foreigner and Indonesian Culture

Foreigner and Indonesian Culture

a. Give opinion about this picture !

We know that many people from abroad are interested with our culture, such : music, dance etc. When they interested they try to learn about our culture, as we know every island in Indonesia has their own culture that different and unique each other, those which make them try to learn our culture. But sometimes teenager nowdays dont care about their culture and they choose to learn about the culture from other country, it’s good but as teenager we should filter all of that we accept from out and keep studying and preserving the culture of Indonesia.  

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity

a. Give opinion about this Picture !

In my opinion , although Indonesia have much island make it have differences in every island, such : language, culture, etc, but they can be unity because they know that in diversity they looks uniqe, so they can gain other people that interested to them to know about them so they can make an effort to increase revenue through culture.

education and the poor people

Education and Poor People

a. Give opinion about this picture !

I think if poor people are forbidden to have an education like formal school its only make our country never grow up, cause without school they wont have ability and skill, they can read and count that increasing ignorance among poor people, so they can not change their lives even they would be unemployed, they can’t change their lives towards a better. Nevertheless, to develop our country we need human resources that have skill, of course to get it from school or education.


Puisi Psycho

Selalu hadir dalam kehidupan kita
Baik itu senang atau susah
Tak perlu berkata ia pasti mendengar
Semua cerita akan tercampur dengan bumbu kisahnya
Menegur kala kita salah mengambil langkah
Menyokong kala kita mengangkat satu keputusan
Bertanggung jawab walau tak ikut menyebabkan
Meniupkan hawa kedamaian kala kita terbalut dalam emosi

Selalu seperti itu hingga takdir memisahkan

sumber :

puisi di atas menceritakan tentang bagaimana peran seorang sahabat dalam kehidupan kita .. penting nya seorang sahabat 

cerita lucu

Cerita Lucu : SALAH MASUK
Dengan tergesa-gesa seorang nyonya masuk ke sebuah ruangan yang ia kira itu ruangan dokter.
Nyonya : "Dokter, apa yang salah ditubuh saya?"
Laki" : "Nyonya, anda terlalu gemuk, pupur anda terlalu tebal, lipstick anda terlalu merah, rambut anda perlu dicat, anda terlalu banyak merokok, dan satu lagi... anda masuk keruangan yang salah. Dokter ada di ruangan sebelah. Saya hanya pengantar koran."

Cerita Lucu : Teka-teki Kocak
A: Kenapa badak kukunya warna merah?
B: Mmm... apa ya... 'gak tau...
A: Biar bisa sembunyi di balik pohon apel...
B: Ah bohong... mana ada badak sembunyi di balik pohon apel?
A: Gak pernah lihat 'kan?... berarti dia berhasil sembunyi...

cerita di atas bener2 lucu , sampe ngakak guling2 ni hihihihi

sumber :

telat pulang

Kost di tempat gua lumayan ketat , jam 10 malem itu biasa nya pager udah di gembok .
. pernah ada kejadian … sekitar jam8 gua pergi makan sama temen2 gua ..yaa tempat makan nya lumayan jauh si dari kost yaaaa sekitar 5 menit sampai (itu si deket ya) hahaha 

nah di tempat makan itu malah keasikan ngobrol , gak sadar kalau udah hampir jam10 .. gua langsung panic , akhirnya langsung cepet2 buat balik ke kost … apes nya jalanan macet parah  padahal kalau gak macet bisa tepat waktu sampe kost … akhir nya gua sampe kost jam 10;10 …

 udah terlambat , pager udah di gembok sama si embo L akhirnya terpaksa luntang lantung di jalan , untuk pertama kali nya loh gua ngalamin tengah malem di luar gitu 

sampe jam2 pagi gua baru inget kalau gua punya temen yang nge kost gak jauh dari daerah gua , dan kost dia lumayan bebas gak di waktuin gitu hehehe 

dan sekarang gua kapok banget deh pulang telat :D

telat pulang

Kost di tempat gua lumayan ketat , jam 10 malem itu biasa nya pager udah di gembok .. 
pernah ada kejadian … sekitar jam8 gua pergi makan sama temen2 gua ..yaa tempat makan nya lumayan jauh si dari kost yaaaa sekitar 5 menit sampai (itu si deket ya) hahaha 

nah di tempat makan itu malah keasikan ngobrol , gak sadar kalau udah hampir jam10 .. gua langsung panic , akhirnya langsung cepet2 buat balik ke kost … apes nya jalanan macet parah L padahal kalau gak macet bisa tepat waktu sampe kost … akhir nya gua sampe kost jam 10;10 … 

udah terlambat , pager udah di gembok sama si embo L akhirnya terpaksa luntang lantung di jalan , untuk pertama kali nya loh gua ngalamin tengah malem di luar gitu 

sampe jam2 pagi gua baru inget kalau gua punya temen yang nge kost gak jauh dari daerah gua , dan kost dia lumayan bebas gak di waktuin gitu hehehe 

dan sekarang gua kapok banget deh pulang telat :D

penganggu tidur

Sebel banget kalau ada hal yang menggangu tidur di malam hari , apalagi kalau besok harus bangun pagi2 >,< itu hal yang paling menyebalkan lah 

Hal yang paling sering saya alami tuh laperrrrrrrr tiba2 >,< yaaang bener ajakan harus makan malem2 … yaa kalau laagi ada makanan , kalau gak ada ? maklum anak kost hahaha 

Atau gak kaki yang pegel nya kelewataan , itu sering banget .. gak tau karena kebanyakan aktivitas di siang hari nya atau karena perederan darah yang gak lancer >,< 

2 hal tersebut yang paling sering menganggu tidur gua di malam hariiii >,<


Repot deh kalau jadi orang yang panikan >,< dan gampang kaget …

Risih sendiri,suka heboh sendiri , dan jadi sering di jailin temen -_- malah pada sengaja deh di kagetin .. tapi bukan latah ya >,< saya bukan emak emak hahaha 

Saya tuh gak boleh denger kabar yang agak bikin tegang , langsung deh heboh .. gak ngertiiii juga si kenapa parno kaya gini :/  tapi kalau lama2 kaya gini saya bisa jantungan kali yaa *ih amit2* 


Mungkin sekarang harus belajar lebih tenang :D